
South Central News
If you happen to be attending the Netley Marsh Steam and Craft show today or indeed this weekend (Details and link below), feel free to drop in and say “Hi” to the Gents manning the Freemasons in the Community (FITC) stand. FITC access to this show has been made possible by the work of W.Bro...
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The South Circular crossed the Area lines in May to visit the Elizabethan Lodge in Christchurch. Our own APGM W.Bro Ian Preece SGD, is a member of this lodge, and has sent a message of thanks to all those who attended and made it one to remember. For information, we attended with circa 14 members,...
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Thank you to all those who attended the South Circular visit to Augustus Webster this week (Tuesday 30th May 2023) The attached photo depicts the South Circular who attended in various guises to the lodge. (Some were part of the Provincial team, some Augustus Webster members, some guests of the lodge, but a good turnout...
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With Lodge meetings (for most lodges) slowing down for the summer break of 2023, now seems a prudent time to take stock of the activities of the South Circular in 2022/23. Before we delve into our activities, and for those who have yet to hear about or see the South Circular at a meeting, the...
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