
July 22, 2023
Earlier this year, it was announced that Barrie Hewitt would stand down as APGM for the South East Area and that Chris Bayliss would be appointed to that role at the Provincial AGM on 5th July. Not knowing Chris at all, I thought it may be a good idea to let him take me out...
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After six years of service to the South East Area and supporting Barrie Hewitt in his time as APGM, Terry Stephens stepped down as Area Chairman with Steve Brewster taking up the mantle after his investiture at our recent Provincial AGM. Steve is well known throughout the Area for being very active in the Craft,...
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June 21st, 2023. Five Heads Lodge, under the competent Mastership of Worshipful Brother Paul Lillington, held an emergency meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their consecration (4th June 1973). APGM Barrie Hewitt, escorted by a 23-strong Provincial escort, was in attendance to observe and support proceedings. This official visit by the southeast area APGM...
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On Monday July 10th the Cosham Masonic Centre was the venue for the first Cheque Presentation Evening to be held in the South East Area of our Province, since Tuesday 25th June 2019. For those of you that are unaware of its purpose, the cheque presentation evening is an opportunity for our lodges to present,...
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The spectrum of people that I meet through Freemasonry never ceases to surprise me. Being a brand new companion of the Holy Royal Arch, with a whole seven weeks of experience, I have been pleased to receive several invitations to Chapters in the Southeast and Central areas. The warmth and fellowship of Craft lodges very...
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Wednesday February 1st 2023 saw the 660th regular meeting of Caer Gwent Lodge No.5071 at the Winchester Masonic centre. This was to be the penultimate time that W.Bro Vincent Jones was to sit in the chair of King Solomon as their elected Master. The evening was a Past Masters Night to raise Brother Dwayne Phillp,...
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I visited Twynham Lodge 5889 on the 3rd of April.   They meet at the Christchurch Masonic Centre.  The evening was a Passing of Brother Ryan Jefferies.  An excellent ceremony was given in front of a good-sized provincial team, which unusually consisted of two APGM’s in the persons of Barrie Hewitt and James Ian Preece. As...
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In a masonic year that has seen several lodges close for the last time and more due for the same fate, it was particularly pleasing to witness the 100th anniversary of Excelsior Lodge on Tuesday May 2nd at the Horndean Centre, located at Five Heads Road. The Provincial Grand Master, Jonathan Whitaker, escorted by a...
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The South East Area Summer Ball returned for the first time since the pandemic.  It was held at the Maritime Club Portsmouth on Saturday 21st June 2023, and it was a great success raising a staggering sum of £4,800 for MCF 2027 Festival. It was a fun-filled evening with a live band, DJ, caricature artist,...
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Saturday 20th of May 2023. The final Community Chest live draw at Cosham Masonic Centre. What a fantastic presentation evening at our final Community Chest Event.  With a massive 1,433 raffle tickets sold, culminating with monies carried over from our previous events.  You brethren enabled us, the Admin team, to give away in the collective...
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