A passion for the MCF

I visited Twynham Lodge 5889 on the 3rd of April.   They meet at the Christchurch Masonic Centre.  The evening was a Passing of Brother Ryan Jefferies.  An excellent ceremony was given in front of a good-sized provincial team, which unusually consisted of two APGM’s in the persons of Barrie Hewitt and James Ian Preece.

As I am often finding with Freemasonry, the evening presented me with a Brother’s story which is worthy of telling.

W.Bro John Donoghue is an MCF Festival ambassador.  He was a very visible presence throughout the evening.  No opportunity being wasted in trying to sign up Masons for a regular festival donation. During the evening I had the opportunity of briefly speaking with John who relayed a part of his life’s story to me.  For the benefit of those that do not know him I have given a brief account of it.

Many of you will know John and be aware of his own personal reasons for being so involved with the MCF.  However, many of you will not and his story may come as food for thought if you have not yet taken onboard how the MCF can and does work for Freemasons.

In 2018, John was involved in an accident with a lorry whilst he was cycling.  The result of his injuries put him in a wheelchair. The projected wait on the NHS for the surgery that he required would have resulted in him never walking again.  With backing from the MCF, John was referred to the New Hall Hospital in Salisbury.  Corrective surgery was carried out (at a cost in excess of £45K) and happily, John is very much up and about now.  Understandably, he is very passionate in his role as a festival ambassador.

John’s story has reinforced my personal decision to sign up to a modest monthly payment to the MCF, and why I am proud to show my festival jewel.