From mobile disco to Area Chairman

After six years of service to the South East Area and supporting Barrie Hewitt in his time as APGM, Terry Stephens stepped down as Area Chairman with Steve Brewster taking up the mantle after his investiture at our recent Provincial AGM.

Steve is well known throughout the Area for being very active in the Craft, Royal Arch, and Rose Croix – not to mention being a member of several committees. Before we talk more about his masonic career, it would be good to know more about the person behind the apron.

Born in Tottenham, Steve moved to Petersfield when he was 11 due to his father’s work who was a builder by trade. He was educated at Churcher’s boarding school on a day board which back then was £10 a term! After successfully passing his O and A levels, he went to Kings College in London where he studied Civil Engineering which he passed with flying colours obtaining a first class honours degree.

By trade, Steve is a Chartered Engineer having worked for many large organisations which included the National House Building Council (NHBC) and also a stint in Nigeria. He set up his own company in 1999 with a strong and repeat client base. Good management and a positive reputation helped him through the economic crash in 2008 allowing the business to go from strength to strength. Catching the eye of a large organisation, Steve’s company was bought when he was 55 and as part of the settlement, he continued working there for a further 3 years. After this, he has since been happily retired which allows him to spend time with his family, freemasonry, and his other passions of golf and travelling.

Steve ran a mobile disco in the 70s where he first met his wife Lynne with whom he has been married to for 45 years. They have two children, Matthew aged 42 and Jonathan aged 40, and 3 grandchildren whom he dotes on and spends as much time as possible with.

He and his wife Lynne have a passion for travelling with recent destinations being the Caribbean and Japan, with Canada planned for later this year. When he is not taking in the sights in other countries, you can find Steve on the golf course or in the clubhouse at Waterlooville where he is in the last year of his Chairmanship.

Steve was proposed into Masonry by his father-in-law and was initiated into the Craft in April 1982 by his father-in-law, the same date he joined Waterlooville golf course. His mother lodge, which he remains a member of to this day, is Wayfarers, where he is Mentor and Treasurer, who meet at Cosham. He was the Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1991. He is also a member of Clanfield Lodge and an Honorary member of Hayling Island Lodge where he was VO.

  • 1985 – Exalted into Royal Arch, taking the 1st Principal’s Chair in 1995.
  • 1999 – joined Cleopas Rose Croix (MWS in 2008) and recently became a member of Durford Abbey (Treasurer).
  • 2016 – Visiting Officer for Hayling Island Lodge.
  • 2018 – Appointed as AVC for Horndean in 2018.
  • 2020 – Promoted to Grand Rank (Past Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works).
  • 2023 – Promoted to Area Chairman.

Outside Steve’s roles above, he has been Treasurer of Horndean Masonic Centre for many years, and more recently Centrepoint.

Asking Steve what he is most looking forward to in his new role, his answer was supporting the Area and helping with the membership challenge, ensuring both new and existing brethren enjoy freemasonry and learn from its teachings.

From my talk with Steve, you could clearly get that he was committed to and passionate about Freemasonry and wants to ensure its members enjoy themselves which everyone who meets him will clearly see.

On behalf of the brethren within the South East Area, I wish Steve every success in his new role.