Many of us have heard the talks given by the Senior Brethren of our province during their Official Visits to our Lodges. The message is uniform, regardless of who delivers it, and it is that the number one priority for most lodges to focus on is the “membership challenge”. The Provincial Members Pathway has been developed to assist Lodges in this task.
Much hard work from W.bro Luc Semmens (the Events Lead for our area), along with W.bro Peter Higgins, and W.bro Nick Milburn (senior members of the area membership team) resulted in a very succesful Dine a friend evening being held on Thursday the 31st of October at the Cosham Masonic Centre.
It was clear from the numbers present that many Lodges, as well as the Membership Team, had worked hard to attract potential candidates along for the evening. There were 54 people present of which 22 were potential candidates. The evening started with a talk from Pete Higgins, who amongst other things, described to all present where masonry currently is, in terms of its numbers, the history that has led up to this situation, and how the “veil of secrecy” surrounding our fraternity has almost entirely now been lifted, hence the overt invitation to those non-masons present.
W.Bro Nick Milburn then described the practical points associated with joining. Where our centres are located. The costs and requirements, such as dress code, involved in joining Freemasonry, as well as the ethos of “without detriment”. The reason why it can take many months to become a Mason was clearly explained.
The festive board that followed the information-packed event in the temple was vibrant. In attendance was the current Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Councillor Jason Fazackarley. Jason, an unattached Mason, was a great ambassador for Freemasonry. He spoke briefly but passionately to those potential candidates present. His message was clear and simple, “Join up”. He went on to explain how much good work is done by Freemasons in our local community, describing the amounts donated to charities at our recent cheque presentation evening. An event at which he was present. Jason reflected on how much he had enjoyed his time as a Freemason, and how he is now looking forward to returning and once again getting involved.
A good deal of time and effort went into planning and delivering the evening, which was remarkably successful with respect of the percentage of potential candidates wanting to progress their applications. My personal, overarching impression from the many non-masons present, that I spoke to, is that there is still a place for Freemasonry in our times. That we need to continue to increase our exposure to the wider population and be open about the good works we do and the enjoyment derived from being a part of our fraternity. The Membership Pathway details methods to help Lodges do this, and the membership Team will continue to work hard to attract new candidates on your behalf.