Fantastic MCF Awards

A fantastic achievement by both Georgian Lodge No. 6752 and Southsea Lodge No. 4071 who were respectively awarded their Gold and Bronze awards for their donations towards the MCF 2027 Festival.  The awards were presented by our Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Chris Bayliss and Junior Warden W.Bro. Ben Waring, both of whom were incredibly proud when handing them over.








The MCF provides invaluable help to Freemasons throughout the country and through your generous donations, it can help others.  Everyone in the Province has recently been sent a letter and up-to-date pocket guide which provides information on how your donations are helping those within our Province – on average, 1 in 20 Brethren in our Province will be supported by the MCF each year.

Contact your Charity Steward, Centre Champion, or your Area Festival Chairman if you have any questions.  The MCF website here provides more information on how your generosity helps and with the link here, you can make a one-off donation or set up a regular payment.