Wilfrid Attenborough Lodge Burns Night Supper (White table)

Please find the details for the Traditional Burns Night evening at Wilfrid Attenborough Lodge No. 7672.

The event will take place at the Totton Masonic Centre (Lexby Road, Southampton SO40 9HD) on Monday the 12th February 2024. Arrival at 19:00 with dining scheduled to commence at 19:30.

The event is to be considered a ‘White table’, with a short Masonic business meeting, for the Masons attending, prior to the festivities. Friends and family are more than welcome to attend. This event is also a great opportunity to bring along any potential candidates for Freemasonry.

A Piper will be present, and an address to the Haggis will take place, as is customary.

Dining is priced at a very reasonable £22.50 per attendee.


Cock-a-leekie Soup
Haggis, Neaps, and Tatties
Sticky Toffee Pudding with Whisky Sauce

Proceeds from the Raffle and Whisky draw will be forwarded to ‘Breakout’ – A Registered Charity supporting Children in the Southampton area.

To book places, please contact the Dining Steward (W.Bro Nick Ireland) with any dietary requirements on 07930 418428 – or by email: nejireland@gmail.com

Payment by BACS to the Lodge bank account (Wilfrid Attenborough Lodge No. 7672) – Sort Code: 309294 – Account Number: 01393757