Isle of Wight Masonic Charity Cheque Presentation 2024

A charity cheque presentation evening, hosted by Island Freemasons, was held at Cowes Masonic Hall on Thursday 30th May 2024.

Representatives from over twenty Island charities along with local dignitaries including His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant and the High Sheriff of the Isle of wight attended the presentation and were welcomed by the Chairman for the Solent Area, Worshipful Brother Clive Dobson.

The event was held to recognise the tremendous work the many charities and unsung heroes give in delivering a wide range of support to residents here on the Isle of Wight. It provided a forum for the charity representatives to talk about the fantastic work they carry out in our community. It was a moving experience and all who attended were left with much to ponder.

There are some 900 Freemasons meeting in 18 Lodges at 8 centres across the Island. Kindness and charitable giving have long been deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry. To this end Isle of Wight Freemasons donated over £40,000 to local Isle of Wight Charities in 2023.

The evening was hailed a great success by all who attended, and we look forward to the next year!

Photos courtesy of Bro Mike Dunkason