“Charity as we all know is defined as the distinguishing characteristics of a Freemason’s heart. Working closely with our Masonic family, including our lodges, The Masonic Charitable Foundation, The Thomas Langton Fund, The Masonic Charitable Trust, and Teddies for Loving Care.”
John Pearson
Provincial Grand Charity Steward
Money raised will go to the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF), which was formed in the year the last Festival ended by rolling the three existing national Masonic charities together. It is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country and provides about £20m annually that supports a wide number of charities, hospices, air ambulances and international disaster relief efforts as well as Freemasons and their families.
Out of this total the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight last year received £766,623 for individual members and their families, plus a further £150,000 went to local charities and good causes.
Funded entirely by Freemasons, the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) builds better lives by encouraging opportunity, promoting independence and improving wellbeing.
The ‘Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Masonic Charitable Trust’ (MCT) is the Province’s own charity, being funded from investments and supported by donations from Lodges.
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Masonic Grand Charity was founded in 1985 by the then Provincial Grand Master, the Right Worshipful Brother, Col. Thomas Bennett Langton. It is usually known as The Tom Langton Fund and since its inception has approved grants of over £850,000 to small charities and worthy causes throughout the Province.
Information to help you with your difficulties can found in the fact sheets below:
This guide has been prepared by UGLE with support from the MCF to assist Metropolitan, Provincial and Lodge Almoners to undertake their important roles. It highlights the key issues which have been known to arise and signposts the reader to tips and advice as well as additional resources where more detailed information is explored on a particular topic.
We Care is the ethos of the Provincial Almoners Team and it was therefore felt appropriate that this heading should be used for communications emanating from the office. It symbolises how we all feel about supporting our Brethren, their families and the wider community. The notes are issued to give guidance or information relating to the work that we undertake.
One side-effect of the Covid pandemic was the impact it had on people’s mental health. To bring the issue into the open, raise awareness and hear what steps could be taken to alleviate the problem and prevent it, a seminar was organised by Provincial Grand Almoner.
There are currently 11 Amity groups spread across the Province. These groups were set up to promote fellowship and companionship among Lodge widows, retired or semi-retired brethren and their partners.
The Bournemouth Masonic Holiday has for over 40 years been funded and supported by the
Masonic Charitable Trust (MCT) for deserving brethren, their partners or widows, from within
our own Province.
The following are the Local Authorities, which provide welfare services for both adults and children, in the area of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, and links to their websites.
Neighbouring Authorities are included, as some Hampshire Masons and their families reside in those areas.
Hampshire County Council – www.hants.gov.uk
Isle of Wight Council – www.iow.gov.uk
Southampton City Council – www.southampton.gov.uk
Portsmouth City Council – www.portsmouth.gov.uk
West Sussex County Council – www.westsussex.gov.uk
Surrey County Council – www.surreycc.gov.uk
Dorset County Council – www.dorset.gov.uk
B.C.P Council – www.bcpcouncil.gov.uk
In the case of Royal Berkshire there are 6 Unitary Authorities. Those that which border Hampshire are;
West Berkshire – www.westberks.gov.uk
Wokingham – www.wokingham.gov.uk
Bracknell Forest – www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk
Tackling issues relating to aging
ageuk.org.uk or telephone 0800 169 2081
Combatting financial, social and information poverty
independentage.org.uk or telephone 0800 319 6789
Supporting families, adults or children, with severe learning disabilities or challenging behaviour
challengingbehaviour.org.uk or telephone 01634 838739
Support for anyone living with the challenges of caring for a loved one
carers.org or telephone 0300 772 9600
Gives expert advice , information and support to carers
carersuk.org or telephone 0808 808 7777
Support to be able to stay in own home by provision of live in carers
homeinstead.co.uk or telephone 0808 503 5197
Care, support or company at home
rightathomeuk.co.uk or telephone 0151 305 0770
Advice and guidance on debt management
stepchange.org or telephone 0800 138 1111
Confidential and independent advice on dealing with debt problems
nationaldebtline.org or telephone 0808 808 4000
Advice on accessing available welfare benefits and grants
turn2us.org.uk or telephone 0808 802 2000
Provides free and impartial advice to help people manage their money
moneyadviceservice.org.uk or telephone 0800 138 7777
Helps people make the most of their money by developing their skills
themoneycharity.org.uk or telephone 030 7062 8933
Support for servicemen, veterans and their families
ssafa.org.uk or telephone 0800 260 6767
Supporting a crisis with kindness
redcross.org.uk or telephone 0344 871 1111
A confidential telephone counselling service for those with facing a crisis
samaritans.org or telephone 116 123
Mental health services spanning long term care through to practical help and advice
rethink.org or telephone 0300 5000 927
Improving the quality of life for those affected by Dementia
alzheimers.org.uk or telephone 0330 333 0804
Support for children with life limiting illnesses
reactcharity.org or telephone 020 8940 2575
Information and advice for people with Cerebral Palsy and their carers
scope.org.uk or telephone 0808 800 3333
Improvement of life for those affected by Parkinson’s disease and attempt to find a cure
parkinsons.org.uk or telephone 0808800 0303
Helps older people make informed decisions about their housing and care needs
eac.org.uk or telephone 0800 377 7070
Provides free professional and independent advice to homeless and badly housed people
shelter.org.uk or telephone 0808 800 4444
The national charity for homeless people
crisis.org.uk or telephone 0300 636 1967
A free independent organization to resolve housing disputes regarding rented properties
housing-ombudsman.org.uk or telephone 0300 111 3000
It must be understood that the information provided on these pages is in no way to be considered a recommendation of any service or service provider. The reader is strongly urged to enquire with due diligence as to the suitability of care and or service being offered. Neither the MCF, the Province of Hampshire and IOW Freemasons or the United Grand Lodge of England accepts any liability for services provided by any of the named agencies contained herein.