Arthurian Lodge Platinum Honorific

The Arthurian Lodge No 5658 was consecrated on the 16th of April 1937. They meet at the Cosham Masonic Hall and are listed as having 25 subscribing members. Their 573rd meeting was held, as usual, on the third Thursday of the month, this being the 19th of October 2023.

The Lodge being opened, a eulogy to the late Worshipful Brother Luke Sibley was read. He sadly passed to the Grand Lodge above on Monday 28th August 2023.

The main business of the evening was to raise Brother Philip David Childs. He had been Passed on the 16th of March 2023. Usual Lodge business was conducted, and the Raising was carried out. Another Master mason adding to the ranks of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Freemasonry.

Item ten on the Summons for that evening simply stated, “To consider a donation from the Relief Chest to the MCF Festival 2027”. A fairly innocuous statement, but for the presence of Assistant Provincial Grandmaster, Chris Bayliss, it may not have raised any suspicions as to its significance. There followed a vote, which the Brethren found in favour of donating £7875 to the Masonic Charitable Foundation. This in itself is a significant achievement for a lodge of 25 members. This donation, however, has projected The Arthurian Lodge to the number 1 spot for the amount per capita donated by any lodge in the Province (@ 19th October 2023).

The lodge was called off, and the Worshipful Master (W.Bro Luke Kierman) presented the APGM with the cheque.

Chris Bayliss (APGM) was extremely pleased to be able to recognise their efforts and generosity by presenting the very first Platinum Award of the 2027 Festival. As a result of the considerable generosity shown by the Brethren of The Arthurian lodge, several of them have become entitled to higher personal honorifics. Shown below are (L to R) W.Bro’s Terry Stocker (Grand Patron), Luke Kierman (Grand Patron), Howard Pollard (Vice Patron), and Scott Clarke(Grand Patron – visitor).

The Arthurian Lodge may be small in number, but they very clearly have a big heart and have shown us all what can be achieved for charity with good planning and determination.

I am sure that many other Lodges will go on to achieve Platinum awards in the 2027 MCF Festival, but “The Arthurian”, you will always remain first.

Well done!