There is an old statement, still true today, that a “picture speaks a thousand words” and, in writing this article it has never been truer.
Wednesday the 13th of November 2024 was the 1033rd regular meeting of Beach Lodge, who meet at the Masonic Hall, Albion Place, Southampton. More affectionately known as “forty steps.” Their current Master is Worshipful Brother David Walbridge, who also happens to be the Lecture Chairman for the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge. The quality of the ritual therefore never being in doubt.
What was so unique about this evening was the content of the agenda. To present a 70 year certificate, 60 year certificate, and carry out a first degree ceremony. This had not escaped the attention of the Provincial Grandmaster Jonathon Whitaker, who was in attendance, as always accompanied by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Bill Starkey.
It was clear that Masonry is not frozen in time, but is adapting and evolving.
Personally, I had never heard of a 70-year certificate being presented, and the PGM stated that it was indeed an exceedingly rare achievement.
Masonic caterers everywhere will be pleased to know that Graham could not remember!
The candidate for initiation was Mr Afuogang Atungsiri (hereafter Alfie Tala). How can you better represent the fact that Freemasonry is a fraternity capable of spanning the generations than this picture. Not including the PGM, 130 years and 1 day of masonic experience.
Being the Provincial Grand Master does assure you of never attending an event alone. This occasion was no exception, with a sizeable team of Active Provincial Officers, all keen to witness and enjoy such a memorable occasion.
The festive board was a lively affair, which was marked by what can only be described as the best Masonic cake ever! There is even a facial likeness.
Congratulations to Worshipful Brothers George Roberts and Graham Rowles on their fantastic achievement, and to Alfie Tala on the start of his Masonic journey.
Well done to Beach Lodge No. 2955 for putting on a magnificent and memorable evening.