A monumental and moving evening for all

This evening marks the end of an era for the North East Area in particular, but the whole Province in general pulled together from far and wide in support of our APGM of 6 years, W.Bro Peter Vosser on his last Official Visit.
A mixture of 28 Grand and Provincial Officers escorted W.Bro Peter into the lodge where we saw him take the chair for the very last time as an APGM.  W.Bro Peter, we thank you for all your tremendous hard work in serving the North East Area of Hampshire and Isle of Wight and the support you have shown the Province in general. You have truly been an inspiration to us all and on behalf of all of the brethren, we wish you every success and joy for the future, whatever that may bring for you!
Mid Wessex Installed Masters Lodge is a fine Lodge who demonstrated their talent this evening, a fine Lodge of very knowledgeable Masons.An interesting but somber insight into Freemasonry and the Holocaust was given by Brother Jason Sarson. Absolutely fascinating and delivered in perfect manor. Well done Jason!
A vibrant but emotional festive board was enjoyed by all visitors and members of the lodge where W.Bro Peter made many, many thank yous to lots of his supporting brethren.
A cheque for £500 was donated to Brother Sarson’s chosen charity which we know will go a long way to support the wonderful work that they do.
Please see a mixture of pictures taken tonight by our fabulous North East Area Comms Team!